Paul Martin - Deficit Slayer!
No - not the fiscal deficit, so valiantly slain by Finance Minister PM back in the 90's...that deficit has well and truly been hidden, er, vanquished - drowned in a sea of surpluses. That those surpluses really amount to gross over-taxation and are generously fed by an obscene surplus in the EI fund (which isn't really supposed to be used that way, but nudge nudge, wink wink...who'll notice??) is a subject for later discussion.
Instead, lets chat about Mr. Martin turning his deficit slaying prowess to the much harped upon "Democratic" deficit. Much hot air was blown by the aforementioned Mr. Martin during the election campaign last year about how he was personally going to fix the "democratic deficit" that grew up under the tyranny of the little guy from Shawinigan. That and "fixing" health care for a generation. PM has obviously taken to the school of thought that teaches that if you repeat something often enough, why, it must be true! I beg to differ...
And what, pray tell, have been the results?
- A non-confidence motion is blissfully ignored so that PM can spend the next 9 (9!!) days fixing the "democratic deficit" through a sordid orgy of vote buying the likes of which we won't see until the next close vote looms. Billions of dollars spread from sea to shining sea so that a man desperate to be Prime Minister (since he spent the last 10 years striving for the top job) could cling to the job for another few months...
- A desperate man comandeers the public airwaves to address a Liberal Party crisis of Epic proportions (not an actual National crisis or anything) begging the opposition to hold off on election so that "Gomery can finish his work" - that they snuck in the last election before Gomery had even begun his work is conveniently ignored...but before we get a chance to judge the Lieberals in an actual election (you know, where the voters get to theoretically express their collective will), we MUST LET GOMERY FINISH HIS WORK...because now we need to have complete information in order to make a rational judgement (and it gives him more time to bribe us with our own money), whereas before, when it looked like they could win the election, we just needed airy promises about fixing health care and slaying the democratic need to look under this or that rock - no sir!
Is this really the way to strengthen democracy in Canada?
Well, come on...of course thats a rhetorical question.
Its looking more like day by day democracy itself is being slain in Canada...
Instead, lets chat about Mr. Martin turning his deficit slaying prowess to the much harped upon "Democratic" deficit. Much hot air was blown by the aforementioned Mr. Martin during the election campaign last year about how he was personally going to fix the "democratic deficit" that grew up under the tyranny of the little guy from Shawinigan. That and "fixing" health care for a generation. PM has obviously taken to the school of thought that teaches that if you repeat something often enough, why, it must be true! I beg to differ...
And what, pray tell, have been the results?
- A non-confidence motion is blissfully ignored so that PM can spend the next 9 (9!!) days fixing the "democratic deficit" through a sordid orgy of vote buying the likes of which we won't see until the next close vote looms. Billions of dollars spread from sea to shining sea so that a man desperate to be Prime Minister (since he spent the last 10 years striving for the top job) could cling to the job for another few months...
- A desperate man comandeers the public airwaves to address a Liberal Party crisis of Epic proportions (not an actual National crisis or anything) begging the opposition to hold off on election so that "Gomery can finish his work" - that they snuck in the last election before Gomery had even begun his work is conveniently ignored...but before we get a chance to judge the Lieberals in an actual election (you know, where the voters get to theoretically express their collective will), we MUST LET GOMERY FINISH HIS WORK...because now we need to have complete information in order to make a rational judgement (and it gives him more time to bribe us with our own money), whereas before, when it looked like they could win the election, we just needed airy promises about fixing health care and slaying the democratic need to look under this or that rock - no sir!
Is this really the way to strengthen democracy in Canada?
Well, come on...of course thats a rhetorical question.
Its looking more like day by day democracy itself is being slain in Canada...
Sweet Jesus! A voice of reason and justice in a desert of idiocy and Liberal despotism. Your howls of outrage against the Zimbabwean-style leadership of PM (Paul Mugabe, that is) should be applauded by all Canadians who value truth and freedom. The Liberal tyranny will not end until there are more brave souls like you to rouse our slumbering, docile and complacent electorate.
Anonymous, at 3:08 PM
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