Tangled Webs

Thursday, December 01, 2005

And we're off to the races!

Well, the Christmas election that “no one” wanted is on. And how are things going so far, two days in?

Well, lets see: we’ve seen perhaps the most inane question possible being asked by a reporter – the “do you love Canada” question tossed to Stephen Harper on Day 1. Since he didn’t deliver a thunderous “Yes!” and immediately begin blubbering, well, that seems to prove to some that this illustrates his Conservative contempt for the very country he is trying to lead. What we are really seeing here, with the reaction to his response, and with the mentality behind the question in the first place, is the embodiment of the idea that unless you whole-heartedly embrace the Liberal “vision” of Canada, than obviously you despise the country and are unfit to lead it. Expect to see more of this nonsense during the campaign - if this campaign turns out like the last one, than every time a Conservative has the temerity to question the status quo or suggest that there things in Canada that aren’t going swimmingly and need to be addressed, he/she will be branded with the heartlessbigotCanadahater label.

Personally, I think it’s a greater expression of love for one’s country to be able to see the flaws, the places where there is work to be done (because, as Harper indicated, the place has ‘unlimited potential’), and to be prepared to step forward and work at making it a better place – rather than standing up before the nearest microphone, shedding a crocodile tear and blubbering on about how much “I Love Canada”! Which answer is really more honest?

Lets take, for example, the manner in which Paul Martin demonstrates his immense, teary love for Canada - by not paying Canadian taxes. Paul Martin loves his country sooooo much that he is willing to flag all his precious ships (Canada Steamships line) out of the Bahama’s, just so he can avoid paying Canadian taxes. Guess he loves Canada so much, he has decided that its not important for the company he owns (or his sons own – but lets not get sidetracked on the whole “blind trust” issue) to make their fair contribution to the collective treasury. Don’t need any of that Martin money finding its way to the little folk…I guess the Martins love Canada, just not the tax rates? If a conservative were to, say, suggest that Canadian taxes could be lowered, he would usually be greeted with howls of outrage that Conservatives are anti-government and hate the country – why, there is soooo much that that money could be spent on! So Paul gets around that whole sticky debate by ensuring that his company can avoid paying the taxes altogether. Now there is an expression of love! *sigh*

And lets not even get into Martin’s love for Canada’s public health care system – a love that is manifested by his representing a riding with the most Private clinics of any jurisdiction in Canada. Or by the fact that his personal physician runs one of those lucrative Private clinics.

Look – love is not supposed to be blind. Forgive me for throwing out a dippy analogy, but Canada right now is like a nice house – albeit one with cracks in the foundation, maybe the windows need replacing, the yard needs weeding, and the carpets are pretty worn. Now, who is being more honest – the politician who says the place has unlimited potential, just needs to be fixed up a little (and here are some ideas on how to do it), or the one who turns to the nearest camera and blindly declares “I love this place – everyone else in the neighbourhood just wishes they could move into a place like this! – how dare you suggest there are problems here!”

Um, just in case you were wondering, I think it’s the first one…


  • of course the liberals all love Canada....they wouldn't screw somebody they didn't love...that would be immoral...just wrong...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:51 PM  

  • the current campaign is a showcase of how far out of touch our politians are with reality....they want to cure ills that don't exist while ignoring real problems...so far platforms put forth are nothing but empty promises that will not come to anything even if the promisors win the election...a new majority government will simply go back to the basic party lines and a minority government will do what it is forced to do to stay in power........the gullibility factor for votors in Canada is ridiculus....we keep electing the same group offering the same promises...(yet never delivered) just reel us in.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:58 PM  

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