Tangled Webs

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Quebec ban on private medical care struck down

It’s the End of the World!

Well, not really – its just the first potential breach of the government’s monopoly on health care delivery.

About time, wouldn’t you say?

How much more blather do we have to hear from politicians about “fixing” health care (for a generation, no less!) – and finding that their much vaunted reforms amount to nothing more than blindly throwing another bucketful of cash down the sinkhole Then we get to watch as they practically break their arms patting themselves on the back for being so generous…until the next “crisis” in health care erupts and they have to throw another bucket in.

Well, I guess at this point its pretty much a perpetual crisis.

Its high time that our politicians (and we the sheeple) started having meaningful debates about healthcare in this country instead of engaging in the usual demagoguery and rhetoric (Two Tier health care! Two tier healthcare!).

Like….taking an honest look at other systems in the world that mix Public and Private – and which, rather than delivering up their people unto satan, actually produce outcomes equal to or better than ours, at lower cost.

Where waiting lists are practically non-existent – as opposed to our system which seems to be seeking to actively entrench waiting times as an integral part of the system.

Where people are not, as our politicians would have you believe, forced to whip out their credit cards or take out a second mortage everytime they get the sniffles…

Maybe this latest ruling in Quebec will lead to some open and honest debate

But I’m not holding my breath…this is Canada after all – where its much easier to just plant your flag on the “high ground” and label your opponents as unprincipledfascistbigots than engage in an actual, you know, rational discussion.

...and case in point - just saw an ad for CBC news...and the commentator indicated that there was a story coming up about the ruling and how it could "change" (spoken with scary quotes) health care...Change? why on earth would we want to change anything about the Bestest Healthcare system on earth??


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