Tangled Webs

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Well, that didn't take long...

I was watching the news, and to tell the truth, I couldn't really tell if I was watching recent tape, or a broadcast from the 2004 election. It certainly didn't take long for Paul Martin to abandon any pretense of having any actual, you know, policies to offer to Canadians. Instead, he has gone into full "attack Stephen Harper" mode. Honestly, if you took the words "Stephen Harper" from his vocabulary, Mr. Martin would have difficulty making it through his stump speech. Every time he gets near a microphone Martin starts in with his "Stephen Harper" schtick...he always manages to say the name as if he is speaking of the evil Satan himself.

And then he has the nerve to whine about he civility of debate in the House. Somebody in his inner circle should really tap him on the shoulder and point out that any attempt to raise the level of debate within the House, should really start with the campaigns to get elected to the House. If you spend your entire election campaign denigrating your opponant, and attempting to demonize them, well, how do you expect to garner their cooperation once you are all sitting in the illustrious House of Commons?

Its particularly sad that the Liberals, as desparate as they are to maintain their grip on power, have started in on the negative campaigning. They have absolutely nothing to offer in terms of policies or even a coherant vision for the country - sooooo, they start with their attempt to demonize the opposition (oh, and also go out of their way to poison relations with the Americans, because it plays well to the reflexive anti-Americanism in the 416 area code). Sad. And ultimately not at all good for the country...but hey, if it gets them elected!

If Paul Martin and his thieving cronies win this election (even a minority) than I will have just about lost all faith in the Canadian public...it would not bode well for the future of our country...we can and should demand better...


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