Tangled Webs

Friday, June 10, 2005

All the news thats fit to print

Just caught Dosanji, our illustrious and ethically challenged Minister of Health on Global News. And what a display he made! When pressed on what, in the wake of yesterday's Supreme Court ruling, the Government was doing to lessen Canada's crippling waiting times, the Minister stammered a reply that the magical $41 billion His Highness Mr Martin threw at the problem earlier in the year would pretty much do it...and that waiting times were being shortened as we speak!

And how did he know that?

Why, he reads the papers and talks to his "colleagues" (um, not on tape though!). Isn't it wonderful to know that the man who is tasked to be the Minister in charge of the bestest healthcare system in the world (TM) gets his information on the functioning of the system from the same sources as you and me (and the rest of the plebes)? From the papers??

I myself find it ever so comforting to know that when I pick up my morning paper I can be secure in the knowledge that the Minister of Health is reading the same information...that he is not privy to any, you know, inside information that might go beyond what the press sees fit to report...and that he can then use this info to make decisions that can profoundly affect the lives of millions of Canadians...

Well, actually I find it extremely alarming and breathtakingly stupid....but I would expect no less from this pack of blowhards and demagogues currently calling itself a government...


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