Tangled Webs

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hello kettle? Your black...

"The reason for that is that instead of dealing with the problems the way that people ought to deal with the problems, what in fact they're doing is they're giving in to short term political pressure, (to) get their pictures in the paper, make an announcement, go home to favourable headlines and then forget about it. “

This bit of wisdom comes from non-other than our very own Paul Martin. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read this. Paul Martin lecturing other world leaders on making unrealistic promises that they have no intention of fulfilling? Well, I guess Martin and the Liberals do have a wealth of experience in that area to draw on….

Oh, let’s see…
- There was no exaggeration in his promise to fix healthcare for a “generation”, was there? Hmmm…no hyperbole in that statement, right?

- Scrap the GST? Guess it depends on your definition of “scrap”…

- Fixing the democratic deficit “come hell or high water?” - guess the waters just not high enough yet.

- Restoring integrity to government? Who knew the guy was going to tape 4 hours of backroom deal making? Why that’s just so unethical! What goes on the backroom, stays in the backroom.

Well, basically you could just read the entire ’93 Liberal Red Book (and every little red book since) to get the picture.

But no, no…those were all sound, reasonable promises – not like those other headline chasing world leaders!


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