Extreme weather events have always been with us and they will always be with us in future. We cannot do very much about them...
And for all those hysterical folks who like to shout that the "sky is falling" everytime there is a thunderstorm (we did have those before all this "global warming" hysteria, you know) there is this piece in the Star (of all places!) that does a good job of debunking some of the weather/climate hysteria the media is obsessed with.
It seems that every time there is a storm (or flood, or fire, or whatever) the news people can't wait to start yammering on about the "extreme" weather we are having and how it is getting worse all the time, and scientician X says its all because of scary global warming, and its only gonna get worse, so BE AFRAID!...What they don't ever do is actually go back and, you know, look at the facts...instead of relying some "climatologist" and their computer models (um, models don't actually "prove" anything, especially when modelling something as complex and variable as the earth's climate & weather patterns).
The simple fact is that "extreme" weather has always been wih us, and always will...
It seems that every time there is a storm (or flood, or fire, or whatever) the news people can't wait to start yammering on about the "extreme" weather we are having and how it is getting worse all the time, and scientician X says its all because of scary global warming, and its only gonna get worse, so BE AFRAID!...What they don't ever do is actually go back and, you know, look at the facts...instead of relying some "climatologist" and their computer models (um, models don't actually "prove" anything, especially when modelling something as complex and variable as the earth's climate & weather patterns).
The simple fact is that "extreme" weather has always been wih us, and always will...
It's refreshing to read your comments on the lack of impact we (humans, industry et al.) have had on the environment. I mean, the global climate would be exactly the same even if there were no humans on earth. We'd still have weather, right.
It's that kind of faulty liberal reasoning that leads us to bad science like evolution and the belief that homosexuality is caused by genetics (when we know it's really the devil behind it).
All these bleating lefties who think that we can have an impact on God's great creation can stick their greenhouse gases where the sun don't shine (sorry, had to).
Anonymous, at 12:00 PM
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