Tangled Webs

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The war in Iraq made me do it!

So, the easy way out now seems to be to blame everything on the “war in Iraq”. Plant a bomb on the London Subway? Why, you did it to protest the war in Iraq! Never meant to actually “kill” anyone, just to scare people, and you know, planting bombs is an accepted form of protest nowadays, don’t ya know. Um, and packing these ‘non-lethal’ bombs with nails and nuts & bolts, well, that certainly enhances the non-lethal protest, doesn’t it?

Frankly, I am getting a little tired of hearing this. The “war in Iraq” is being used by the Left as some kind of justification for Muslim anger (especially amongst those poor disaffected Muslim youth in the West), and the crutch everyone reaches for when discussing the “root causes” of terrorism. Frankly I am not buying this. Its very easy to say that you are motivated by the “war in Iraq”, but what does that really mean? Does it mean that you are angered by the ongoing slaughter of innocent Iraqis? Well, in that case, why direct your protest bombing at commuters in London?

Lets look at the actual facts – yes, Iraqi’s are being bombed and killed daily – by the brave Islamic insurgents who are bent on…well, what do they want? To kill Americans, to be sure. To blow things up, certainly, since this is the only talent they seem to display. But to build anything apart from bombs? Doesn’t look like it. So – Islamic militants are slaughtering Iraqis daily (driving cars packed with explosives into crowds of children, hiding in Mosques & schools, blowing up police and army recruits, killing workers, diplomats – well, killing all the people who are eager to get on with life and rebuild Iraqi society) - and the reaction of ‘angry’ muslim youth in the West?– plant bombs on the London subway. To me this does not compute.

Why aren’t these angry young men out protesting the indiscriminate slaughter of Iraqi civilians by “insurgents”? Why aren’t they demanding that the insurgents get out of the country so that the re-building process can truly get under way (I am sure that if you asked ordinary Iraqis they would prefer to have the insurgents stop blowing them up and to leave their air conditioning alone)? Where was all this righteous anger when Sadaam was feeding thousands of Iraqis into mass graves? Oh, but I guess mass slaughter by fellow Muslims is ok – because rather than condemn them, its much easier just to blame the good ol’ US of A.

As I stated in a previous post – its too late to put the genie back in the bottle – the Americans (& Brits) invaded – and as stupid as that decision was, no amount of anti-war protest is going to suddenly un-make it. And I truly believe that the collective buy-in to this whole “its because of the war in Iraq” excuse making is just the latest dodge for people who are keen to blame the US for, well, just about everything.


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