Tangled Webs

Monday, August 22, 2005

Goodbye Gaza

The big news over the last couple of weeks has been the Israeli pullout from Gaza. Personally, I can’t see why on earth they would have wanted to be there in the first place – 9000 Jews surrounded by an implacably hostile 1.3 million Palestinians. I’ve heard/read quotes from settlers decrying the pull out, since the land is “theirs” through some ‘biblical’ right – which just goes to show that the Islamoid death cult that has grown up in the Palestinian territories is not alone in rearing religious zealots.

Leaving aside the ongoing debate over whether the Israeli’s were right to be there or not, it will certainly be interesting to see what the Palestinians do now that they have been given control. Will they actually work to build a functional society (which would require them to stop preaching hatred and focusing on jew-bashing and incitement to martyrdom in their schools), or will Gaza essentially become one big terrorist staging area? It would be nice to see the former, but I have the uneasy feeling that the latter is more likely – especially given some of the rhetoric already coming out of Gaza: this is a victory, terrorism works (or words to that effect)…doesn’t sound to me like the words of people intent on getting on with the tough job of (re) building a functional society…

For example, from The Globe today (in a story about Hamas claiming 54% of the terrorist attacks in Gaza:

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said the figures “are a document of Hamas' struggle and Hamas' role in liberating this precious part of the homeland.”
“They show that “resistance is the Palestinians' strategy of choice,” Mr. Abu Zuhri said.
“It made this victory possible, and this victory can be repeated,” he said, referring to Israel's Gaza withdrawal.”

The “this victory can be repeated” sounds pretty ominous, doesn’t it? Doesn’t quite like they are looking at this as an opportunity to build – more like, flush with a sense of victory, they are looking to keep blowing stuff up (and people) – and when will that stop?


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