Tangled Webs

Monday, September 26, 2005

Insurgents gun down 5 Shiite teachers at school

Yes, those brave "insurgents" are at it again, gallantly fighting to free Iraq by, um, killing schoolteachers? Oh yeah, thats the way to show that your all about re-building Iraqi society. Once again, its stuff like this that makes me believe that the gaggle of idiots over here marching on the US consulate demanding an "end to the war" need to pull their heads out of their asses and take a look at who is actually killing all the Iraqi's now - and who are now actually putting up the greatest obstacles to rebuilding the country.

I'll give you a hint - its not the "evil" United States.

Of course to some, it doesn't matter who is pulling the trigger or driving the suicide bus, its still the evil US that takes the blame for every dead body over there.

Do these people, with their nice homemade signs and wonderfully original and thought provoking chants ("no blood for oil!"), honestly believe that if the US pulled every soldier out of the country that the "insurgents" would just drop their weapons, give each other high fives and start looking for jobs? Hardly. The country would become an even worse bloodbath than it is now.

These fools need to stop living in the 60's - thinking that they are fighting the good fight to put an end to the war in Viet Nam. Uh, folks? Iraq is not Viet Nam, y'know. And incidentally, they should look at what happened to Viet Nam post US pull-out and talk to some of the survivors of the communiest re-education camps to get their opinion on how all that went... I'm sure those folks did not cheer the fact that the evil US was gone - especially the ones who were summarily shot.
If the "insurgents" (and to set the record straight, they really should be referred to sub-human-muderingterroristscumbags) have graduated to murdering school-teachers in braod daylight than what do think is going to happen if the US pulls out and leaves "security" entirely up to the under-equipped and under-trained Iraqi forces? Do ya think that the terrorist scum bags might take that as a signal that their efforts have been rewarded - and hey, if somethings working, why stop?
I would say that at that point, every charred Iraqi corpse could be laid at the feet of the "anti-war" movement.

Now - lest you think I have my head stuck in the sand here, I do believe that the US made a collossal mistake in invading Iraq (they've really stepped in a pile of shit there)...and I'm no cheer leader for George W. (I do believe he has the whiff of the religious zealot about him, and uses that to guide his judgement a wee bit too much for comfort).
Ultimately, its also just that I believe that the "anti-war" crowd are a couple of years too late. If these protests didn't work before the invasion, what makes them think its going to work now?


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