Tangled Webs

Monday, December 19, 2005

Inneffetive? Hmmm...lets take another look...

So, Jack Layton has decided that since attacking the Liberals has failed to bump up NDP support beyond its entrenched 17% level, the time has come to join Mr. Dithers in attacking the Conservatives. His latest spin - that the Conservatives have been an "inneffectual" opposition. Really? Jack likes to brag that he is getting things done for "people" - pointing of course to the NDP hi-jacked budget this spring as a triumph (yeah, extorting $4.5 billion out of a desparate to cling to power Dithers is a real triumph...and working for "people" includes cancelling corporate tax cuts that might *gasp* actually make it more attractive for companies to locate in Canada, and create "jobs" for "people"...ah but for Jack & the Dippers job creation is the work of government - waving its magic wand...but I digress..).

But lets see...Jack extorts $4.5 billion for his pet causes - whether that money is wisely spent or not matters little to him, so long as he gets the headline. But have the Conservatives been "inneffectual" - hmmm...would we be talking at all about tax cuts if it were not for the Conservatives? That would be tax cuts for "people" (you know, Jack - letting those hard working people you profess to represent keep more of their hard earned money so that they can save for their future, invest, or make purchases that just might lead to more economic activity and create jobs). Would we be talking about rebuilding our broken down military (so that they could be effective in the "peacekeeping" missions you so favour). Would we be talking about corporate tax cuts that will make Canada a more attractive jurisdiction for companies to business in? I would argue that all these things are on the agenda because of the strength of the Conservative opposition (they have been, in fact, remarkably successful in pushing the Liberals to the right over the past 10 years). Therefore, contrary to Jacks latest spin, I would have to say that the Conservatives have been quite influential as opposition. Sure, they are not sitting in hotel rooms and having terms dictated to them by a powerful union boss, and making backroom deals...but influential nevertheless.

Merry Elexmas!


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