Tangled Webs

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Fonda to Speak out on War (oh lord, not again)

Memo to all the anti-war protesters, commentators, et all: Didn’t you see George’s speech a couple of years back – “Mission Accomplished”? Hey – the war is over!

But seriously - what would you propose? It’s too late to put that genie back in the bottle. Iraq’s been invaded, army defeated and seeds of democracy planted…well, they did have an ‘election’ at least (and not one of Sadaam’s “vote for me or take a trip through the meat grinder” type of elections). If every American soldier was suddenly returned home (er, alive, and not in a body bag), do you think that somehow Iraq would return to its former state of pre-war tranquility and happiness (um, sans the murderous dictator)?

I was never a big fan of George W.’s Iraq policy (which seemed to consist of “we’re invading!” and little else in the way of planning), and I think the Americans have gone and stepped in a big pile of shite - stepped into a hornet’s nest etc, but what do you think they are supposed to do now? Just leave? Do you honestly think your beloved Iraqi’s would be better off if the US just up and left now? Do you think that the Islamofascist nutjobs who are blowing things up over there will take a deep breath and calm down if the evil Americans leave? Do you think that if the US pulls all their troops out of the country (evil occupiers that they are!) that Iraq will suddenly become a land of peaceful, happy “militants” and “insurgents”? If so, you need to up the dosage on your medication.

Remember, these are the brave “insurgents” who strike a fearsome blow for the Iraqi people by driving a car packed with explosives into a crowd of children. Remember that these are the people who, in striking a blow for their oppressed Muslim brothers, blow up, well, other Muslims. Hmmm…interesting way of expressing support.

Truth is, if it wasn’t for these morons and their jihad Iraq would be well on the road to reconstruction. It’s a little hard to rebuild key infrastructure if some asshole with a grudge and an ideology that doesn’t extend much past “blow somethin’ up”, keeps, well, blowing stuff up.

Anyway – while I agree that invading Iraq was a colossally bad idea, I think that it would be equally catastrophic to just cut and run now. It’s a case of “you broke it, you bought it” and unfortunately, there is no easy way out – despite what the anti-war crowd would have you believe.

So to all the Jane Fonda types out there proudly reliving the sixties and their anti-Viet Nam days – please, just shut the fuck up until you have something constructive to contribute.


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