Tangled Webs

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Parrish the thought...

So, it appears that Carolyn Parrish, about to welcomed back to the Liberal fold after a stint in the hinterlands as an Independent, just can’t keep her mouth shut. You may recall that she was exiled from Paul Martin’s caucus for crossing the line once to often in making disparaging remarks about Americans (in general) and George W (in particular)…well, actually it was probably for making nasty comments about PM’s circle of sycophants who tirelessly toiled to get their man the top job over the last, oh, ten years or so. But time heals all wounds, and the buzz is that she is about to become a proud Liberal again (since Paul still needs her vote to maintain his precious Minority).

Anyway…Ms. Parrish has never met a microphone she could resist, and so we were recently treated to her latest screed. And who was the target this time? None other than Chief of Defence Staff, General Rick Hillier. And what was Hillier’s crime? Why he dared to call the murderous scumbags Canadian troops will be hunting in Afghanistan, well, er, “murderous scumbags”. Perhaps he should have found some politically correct way to say this, but I thought his wording was pretty accurate. What else do you call people whose ideology is heavily tilted to the “kill the infidels and anyone remotely associated with them” side? Guess who the “infidels” are Carolyn? That’s right – you and me!

Parrish also had issue with the General’s comment that Canadian soldier’s job is to “kill” these murderous scumbags, rather than, say, invite them to tea. Sorry Carolyn, but what do you think soldiers are trained for? They are not, contrary to Liberal pieties (and the back of a $10 bill), social workers with guns. We give them the guns so that they can use them to shoot people – they are not props, for chrissakes. And in the kill or be killed situations we are potentially sending them into, well, I hope its our boys who are doing the killing – because the guys on the other side would certainly not hesitate to send a few body bags home to Canada.

Ms. Parrish also manages to look through her rose coloured glasses to see Canada’s “100 year tradition” of peace keeping. She must have read the official Liberal history of Canada or something, because obviously she has no idea about the actual history of the country. Never mind the fact that modern day “peace-keeping” was invented in 1957, but what did she think Canadian troops were doing in WWI, WWII, and Korea?? The “peacekeeping” we did then involved going over to Europe and Asia and sending many, many German, North Korean & Chinese soldiers to the grave. The point being that soldiers (including Canadian soldiers) are trained to kill – not to be a glorified boy scouts. When called upon, Canadian soldiers have done this job with distinction – and its high time the Libs canned all this warm & fuzzy “peace-keeping” b.s and acknowledged that the world is, in fact, still a dangerous place and sometimes we may still be required to take the fight to the enemy.

Like Patton said – the soldier’s job is not to die for your country, its “to make the other poor bastard die for his.”

Hear, hear!


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