Tangled Webs

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The silly season begins

The latest session of parliament has begun with a new plea from Paul Martin that our parliamentarians conduct themselves with a higher level of civility, so as not to have this session degenerate into the farce the last one turned into. This would be fine if his plea was aimed at the members of his own caucus as much as it is at the opposition, since it is usually some loose lipped Liberal making allusions to the Klansmen from the opposition, or fictional cross burnings - right before they plead with the opposition to "please, stop the name calling!"

I have a stopwatch on how long this new era of "civility" will last - just wait until the Liberals get caught up in some sort of scandal, or even engaged in some meaningful debate, before they take out the brush and start tarring, because you know its much easier for them to attack the messenger than the message - why an actual debate would require some actual thought, and an exchange of ideas...its always proven much easier for the Libs to plant their flag on the high ground and start blasting away...

And I guess as long as we keep electing them, this is the best we can expect


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