So - Afghanistan has been in the news quite a bit over the last few days - which means that your average arm chair pundit has a few things to say on the subject...
- I find the recent howling from the left for "debate" on Canada's role in Afghanistan anywhere from disengenuous to simply pathetic - particularly when these calls for debate come from the Liberals (you know, the ones who sent Canadian troops to Afghanistan in the first place). People seem to be attempting to put all this onto Stephen Harper & the Conservatives - as if Stephen Harper simply could not wait to jump on George W's war bandwagon and get Canadian troops out into the field and, in defiance of our much vaunted "peacekeeping" reputation, actually engaging in *gasp* combat. Well, its time for people to get a grip. First, as stated above, it was the Liberals who initiated the Canadians current mission - including the current aspect of the mission, which includes engaging Taliban insurgents in combat operations (you know, what we actually train the military for - the guns are not meant for show after all).
Second - what do these people think peacekeeping is? Riding into a the middle of a situation, standing between two formerly hostile parties and having everyone act all calm and rational because, by god, those are peaceful Canuck's seperating us? Or does it mean providing some level of peace and security to a volatile area so that the citizens can live in some modicum of peace? Which might involve fighting the actual people who wish to destabalize the country (in case you were wondering, that would be the Taliban insurgents who like nothing more than killing foreigners and other troublemakers, like female teachers, and anyone else who dares to try and live their own life outside their strict, unbending Islamic code). Isn't that also peacekeeping? Or are we to be forever bound to the Trudeapian fantasy of peacekeeping (enshrined on the fiver) of blue capped "peacekeepers" handing out teddy bears & candy and gosh darn it making everyone feel good. Actually, if anything, this current mission should serve to put and end to that lofty myth - nothing like a dose of reality...I also find the calls to immediately pull the troops coming from certain lefties to be equally pathetic - I guess it would be much more humanitarian and good to abandon the folks in Khandahar to the Taliban so that the womanfolk can go back to being prisoners in their homes etc...
And one would do well to remind Jack Layton, who has never met a microphone he didn't immedialtely fall in love with, that we had a debate, in Pariliament, back in November - which he didn't bother to show up for (too busy trying to prop up Paul Martin's Liberals so that he could extract another $billion from that desperate weasel). So his pontificating now about the urgent need for a debate strikes me as, well, pathetic politicking - which is business as usual for smiling Jack...
- On a related note - how is it that that loathesome toad Dosanji is still a member of parliament? The man, like Layton, has never stepped in front of a microphone into which he could not spew some inane bullshite. While saner heads in the Liberal party have voiced their support for the Canadian troops in Afghanistan (Dion, Graham for instance), Dosanji steps up to the plate and spouts off about how we really, really need to have a debate about this whole Conservative plan (er, Liberal plan, which the Conservatives inherited, but why split hairs?) This is the same guy who, as Minister of Health, encouraged innovation in our healthcare system by telling organizations like the CMA that they shouldn't even think of thinking about anything but Complete Public Domination of the Healchcare system - or else...nothing like encouraging honest and open debate about the issues eh? Oh, and lets not forget his voice, on tape, using terms like "plausible deniability" and talking about how the right vote at the right time could be rewarded (the Grewal scandal)...but oh no - it wasn't all that talk about buying votes that was the issue - it was taping a fellow MP! Can't have that - otherwise, how would the business of government go on, if one was not free to discuss bribing the opposition with positions of power, etc...what a jackass (Dosanji for his various bouts of verbal diareah, and Bernard Shapiro for letting him off the hook on the Grewal scandal)...
- Back to Afghanistan - Canadian troops killed a guy on a taxi recently. Now the man's family want, as compensation, Canadian citizenship. Frankly, while this is obviously a tragic circumstance, I would say "no way". We are supposed to take these 9 non english speaking people and just plunk them down into Canada? To do what? Not to be cruel, but I am assuming that they would be coming here with 0 skills, 0 education, and no fluency in either official language. So in effect, we would be saying "as compensation, please enjoy the hospitality of the Canadian government for the rest of your life"). Tough issue, but I don't know that what they are asking for is fair to either side in the long run...
This would also set a very bad precedent (in my opinion, anyway). Everytime there is a car accident over there (or a shooting - I am sure that will not be the last accidental shooting over there) - we are just supposed to hand out Canadian citizenship cards? Not a good idea at all...
- I find the recent howling from the left for "debate" on Canada's role in Afghanistan anywhere from disengenuous to simply pathetic - particularly when these calls for debate come from the Liberals (you know, the ones who sent Canadian troops to Afghanistan in the first place). People seem to be attempting to put all this onto Stephen Harper & the Conservatives - as if Stephen Harper simply could not wait to jump on George W's war bandwagon and get Canadian troops out into the field and, in defiance of our much vaunted "peacekeeping" reputation, actually engaging in *gasp* combat. Well, its time for people to get a grip. First, as stated above, it was the Liberals who initiated the Canadians current mission - including the current aspect of the mission, which includes engaging Taliban insurgents in combat operations (you know, what we actually train the military for - the guns are not meant for show after all).
Second - what do these people think peacekeeping is? Riding into a the middle of a situation, standing between two formerly hostile parties and having everyone act all calm and rational because, by god, those are peaceful Canuck's seperating us? Or does it mean providing some level of peace and security to a volatile area so that the citizens can live in some modicum of peace? Which might involve fighting the actual people who wish to destabalize the country (in case you were wondering, that would be the Taliban insurgents who like nothing more than killing foreigners and other troublemakers, like female teachers, and anyone else who dares to try and live their own life outside their strict, unbending Islamic code). Isn't that also peacekeeping? Or are we to be forever bound to the Trudeapian fantasy of peacekeeping (enshrined on the fiver) of blue capped "peacekeepers" handing out teddy bears & candy and gosh darn it making everyone feel good. Actually, if anything, this current mission should serve to put and end to that lofty myth - nothing like a dose of reality...I also find the calls to immediately pull the troops coming from certain lefties to be equally pathetic - I guess it would be much more humanitarian and good to abandon the folks in Khandahar to the Taliban so that the womanfolk can go back to being prisoners in their homes etc...
And one would do well to remind Jack Layton, who has never met a microphone he didn't immedialtely fall in love with, that we had a debate, in Pariliament, back in November - which he didn't bother to show up for (too busy trying to prop up Paul Martin's Liberals so that he could extract another $billion from that desperate weasel). So his pontificating now about the urgent need for a debate strikes me as, well, pathetic politicking - which is business as usual for smiling Jack...
- On a related note - how is it that that loathesome toad Dosanji is still a member of parliament? The man, like Layton, has never stepped in front of a microphone into which he could not spew some inane bullshite. While saner heads in the Liberal party have voiced their support for the Canadian troops in Afghanistan (Dion, Graham for instance), Dosanji steps up to the plate and spouts off about how we really, really need to have a debate about this whole Conservative plan (er, Liberal plan, which the Conservatives inherited, but why split hairs?) This is the same guy who, as Minister of Health, encouraged innovation in our healthcare system by telling organizations like the CMA that they shouldn't even think of thinking about anything but Complete Public Domination of the Healchcare system - or else...nothing like encouraging honest and open debate about the issues eh? Oh, and lets not forget his voice, on tape, using terms like "plausible deniability" and talking about how the right vote at the right time could be rewarded (the Grewal scandal)...but oh no - it wasn't all that talk about buying votes that was the issue - it was taping a fellow MP! Can't have that - otherwise, how would the business of government go on, if one was not free to discuss bribing the opposition with positions of power, etc...what a jackass (Dosanji for his various bouts of verbal diareah, and Bernard Shapiro for letting him off the hook on the Grewal scandal)...
- Back to Afghanistan - Canadian troops killed a guy on a taxi recently. Now the man's family want, as compensation, Canadian citizenship. Frankly, while this is obviously a tragic circumstance, I would say "no way". We are supposed to take these 9 non english speaking people and just plunk them down into Canada? To do what? Not to be cruel, but I am assuming that they would be coming here with 0 skills, 0 education, and no fluency in either official language. So in effect, we would be saying "as compensation, please enjoy the hospitality of the Canadian government for the rest of your life"). Tough issue, but I don't know that what they are asking for is fair to either side in the long run...
This would also set a very bad precedent (in my opinion, anyway). Everytime there is a car accident over there (or a shooting - I am sure that will not be the last accidental shooting over there) - we are just supposed to hand out Canadian citizenship cards? Not a good idea at all...
Your comments on Layton are bang-on. What a loathsome toad he is. The gall of him to ask for debate now on our role in A-Stan when he missed the last debate due to his grafting.
But I would say that the troops should be pulled out. A-Stan is not ready for ideas like democracy, humanitarianism, women's rights, etc. What they really need is to be introduced to them slowly, over time. Why don't we try to bring them into the 8th century first.
I would propose sending Dosanji and Layton to the T-ban in exchange for a really nice rug.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
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