Tangled Webs

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Its Been an even longer while...

Well, its been awhile, but something finally caught my attention and got me riled up enough to bang away on the keyboard here...

I was sitting in the local Starbucks and read an incredible piece or tripe written by the supposed towering intillect and aspiring Liberal leader, Michael Ignatief. Now Mr. Ignatief is widely regarded as an intillectual of sorts but one would never know it from the column - it reads more like a useless pile of feel good rhetoric designed to appeal to the lefties in the country who truly believe that by gutting the military and assuming a position of neutrality in any conflict, that Canada can somehow then exert any kind of influence...

Mr. Ignatief makes such bold statements that Canada should immediately call for a ceasefire...and once Hezbollah & Isreal immediately stop shooting at each other (since its Canada asking after all - they have to listen to us!)...oh wait, thats right...who the hell is going to listen to Canada??? Does he really believe that Hezbollah will stop launching missiles into Isreal or would in anyway honour a "ceasefire"? Does he truly believe that anyone in the world is waiting for dear old Canada to stand up and demand a ceasefire?? Only those people who are seriously deluded about our position in the world, I suspect, would believe that.

The real howler comes when Ignatief proposes an international force to create a buffer zone in southern Lebanon. Thats all they would be there for - to create a buffer between the 2 warring parties...um, but then he also goes on to say that to stop the flow of weapons to Hezbollah, this international force should also assume control over all Lebanon's border crossings and sea-ports. Excuse me??? We go from creating a "buffer zone" to, essentially occupying the entire country? And does he think that this will go over well with Hezbollah and the other Islamofascists? Or does he realize that putting American, Canadian, European soldiers at every Lebanese border crossing & sea-port would really just create a 'target rich' environment for every wannabe suicide bomber who can't get all the way to Iraq to become a martyr? I found it a little stunning that such a supposedly smart individual could contradict himself in such short order within the same column...

What I read from Mr. Ignatief shows me that he is a typical Liberal - great at dealing out high minded rhetoric - but it amounts only to wishfull thinking...and continues this distortion of Canadian history that we are seeing in the media nowadays - this great line of b.s. that Canada has always been "neutral" and an "honest broker"...we need to stop feeding people the kind of leftist crap and teach them the real history of Canada. Personally, I am getting sick to death of people like Ignatief &Jack Layton defining Canada & Canadian history to fit their own leftist ideologies -


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