CBC lockout ends! um, there was a lockout? CBC?
Thats about the extent of my feelings...actually, more like "there's a CBC"? I was about as completely unaffected by this lockout as possible. I can't think of a single thing I watch on the CBC, and quite frankly I am getting pretty sick of the weeping and wailing from some quarters about how the CBC is "the thread that binds us together" or "Canadians telling our stories to each other"...nonsense...the CBC is a TV network - nothing more. And I do not think that endless reruns of Coronation Street, left-wing biased newscasts, and Hockey Night in Canada are the glue binds the country together. Which could lead me into a whole other rant about how I am sick to death about people puffing themselves up and spouting off about Canadian "values" (chiefly an appreciation for Free Healthcare, apparently), and how if I am not really Canadian because I choose to view things differently (we profess to respect "diversity" also, except any diversity in thought)....whoa...anyway...maybe I'll put up a post in future to cover all this...
Getting back to the big yawn the CBC lockout was, the question is - in todays multi-channel universe, do we need a state broadcaster, endlessly sucking on the public teet and puffing themselves up with their own over-inflated sense of self importance? Or, since 9/10 Canadians were completely unaffected by the CBC lockout, can we safely say Sayonara and put that money into something productive?
Getting back to the big yawn the CBC lockout was, the question is - in todays multi-channel universe, do we need a state broadcaster, endlessly sucking on the public teet and puffing themselves up with their own over-inflated sense of self importance? Or, since 9/10 Canadians were completely unaffected by the CBC lockout, can we safely say Sayonara and put that money into something productive?
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