Th-th-thats all folks (G'bye Porky Pig?)
So, things have officially gotten ridiculous - a town council in Britain has actually banned workers from having any pig related items in the workplace (including such dangerous items as Piglet coffee mugs, Hog-wild 2006 calendars, or even a box of tissues) - all because a muslim worker in the office complained. Its claimed that actions like this display "tolerance", but is this really tolerance?? Isn't this bending over backwards to accomodate the whiney fringe? Just how far can this go? Today its Piglet...tomorrow? There have already been rumblings that muslims find the British flag offensive (never miss an opportunity to drag the crusades into the conversation - its like it happened just yesterday). The way things are going, will it just be another expression of our collective "tolerance" to ditch the good ol' Union Jack and replace it? How about just replace it with a nice plain white flag?
I mean this is getting just a little bit silly. Have we seen the last of Porky Pig cartoons - lest some wandering Muslim eye be forever scarred by the image of an unclean cartoon pig cavorting across his television screen? Shouldn't tolerance work both ways?
As Mark Steyn writes in his latest column:
"Is it really a victory for "tolerance" to say that a council worker cannot have a Piglet coffee mug on her desk? And isn't an ability to turn a blind eye to animated piglets the very least the West is entitled to expect from its Muslim citizens? If Islam cannot "co-exist" even with Pooh or the abstract swirl on a Burger King ice-cream, how likely is it that it can co-exist with the more basic principles of a pluralist society?"
I mean this is getting just a little bit silly. Have we seen the last of Porky Pig cartoons - lest some wandering Muslim eye be forever scarred by the image of an unclean cartoon pig cavorting across his television screen? Shouldn't tolerance work both ways?
As Mark Steyn writes in his latest column:
"Is it really a victory for "tolerance" to say that a council worker cannot have a Piglet coffee mug on her desk? And isn't an ability to turn a blind eye to animated piglets the very least the West is entitled to expect from its Muslim citizens? If Islam cannot "co-exist" even with Pooh or the abstract swirl on a Burger King ice-cream, how likely is it that it can co-exist with the more basic principles of a pluralist society?"
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